In part one of a too‐many‐parted series, learn how I turned a couple of sheets of MDF into an arcade cabinet with several pounds of sawdust as by‐product.
Post series: Nostalgia-Tron
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 2: The control panel
Last time I told you a story of how I built an arcade cabinet out of a couple sheets of MDF. The part I left out was the making of the control panel — the MDF board that will hold the buttons, joysticks, and other controls.
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 3: Hardware miscellany
Before your attention flags, I want to wrap up the hardware portion of this series and move into the software. But first I need to cover some odds and ends.
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 4: A crash course in RetroPie
All the stuff I wish I’d known about RetroPie and MAME that wasn’t written down in one specific place.
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 5: A proper power button
I wanted an easy way to power the system on or off without going through a menu. I managed to do it with a hardware add‐on and a simple Python script.
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 6: Adding a volume knob to the Raspberry Pi
How to wire up a hardware knob that controls the Pi’s software volume level via GPIO.
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 7: LED control
Let’s make the poor‐man’s version of LEDBlinky: a way to light up specific buttons for specific games using a Pac‐Drive and some shell scripts.
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 8: Over-engineered joystick rotation
It will have become clear to most readers that I swung for the fences on this project. The two ServoStiks I purchased prove the point: they can switch between 4‐way control and 8‐way control. Did I need this? No. Was I going to take advantage of it once I bought them? Of course.
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 9: A utility script for testing controls
For the moment I’m out of hardware topics, so let’s look at some stuff that might be more widely applicable to folks who don’t make my exact hardware choices.
Nostalgia-Tron, Part 10: Metadata
You might have noticed that your list of installed games looks a bit bland in EmulationStation without artwork, game descriptions, and the like. You could use the metadata scraper that comes with RetroPie, but for MAME games I think it’s better to leverage the pedantry of the community and fill your game lists with more reliable metadata.