Author: Andrew Dupont

New Things

Posted in Personal

I had a whole entry typed up before I left for Thanksgiving. I swear I did. I know not where it went. To prove how much of a dork I am, I wandered around The Container Store last week for about thirty minutes. It was my first time inside said

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Warm Reception

Posted in Personal

Writing from my new apartment, now that my seemingly interminable flood of stuff‐to‐do has slowed to a trickle. Cable and internet are hooked up, everything is more or less where I want it, and I cooked my first meals in the new place today — I’d put off grocery‐shopping until

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Guitar Hero

Posted in Video Games

Do you like rhythm games at all? If so, I cannot recommend Guitar Hero more highly. The joints on my fingers ache from holding down fret buttons all weekend. It’s hard to find — I had to go to the Best Buy in Cedar Park to get my copy — but it’s worth the

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Posted in Web

Because the Something Awful Forums are such a monstrously huge online community, they’ve had to deal with all sorts of bizarre user‐management scenarios. Banned members returning over and over to annoy people; members stirring up drama, swearing to leave, leaving, then coming back later; and, yes, members dying, through causes

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Posted in Sports

Sunday’s news: the Saints suck, but San Antonio can suck it. Tom Benson is the new most‐hated owner on earth, but strange as it may seem I can’t bring myself to hate him. Everyone’s owner is the worst owner in sports. Owners aren’t supposed to be liked (unless they’re Wellington

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Idiotic Wikipedia Edit Wars

Posted in Web

What do you do when it looks increasingly likely your favorite team will skip town? Well, I’ve been eating ice cream and playing Xbox, but I’d probably be doing that anyway. Actually, tonight I stumbled upon Wikipedia’s article on Saints owner Tom Benson and decided I’d add a long section

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Ugly and Stupid

Posted in Technology

Fuck it. All cell phones suck. All cell phones suck. I have incredibly few needs from a cell phone. Fewer than most, actually. But because those needs don’t intersect well with those of most, I can’t find a phone that fills all those needs. Here’s what I want: Elegant and

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Pocketful of Change

Posted in Personal

My job search is something I haven’t talked about much in my journal. The superstitious part of me, tiny though it is, was worried about jinxing it, I suppose. But now it’s too late to jinx. I’ve been offered a job at BMC Software‘s Austin offices. I don’t remember what

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Keeping the Saints

Posted in Sports

Nobody can predict what sort of city New Orleans will be when things return to ostensible normalcy. But it’s reasonable to imagine that two major industries — tourism and oil — will take big hits. Median income will likely decrease. Population will decrease, of course. None of these events would bode well for our

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Streets of Evangeline

Posted in Personal

I spent much of today at work imagining the total destruction of my hometown, so I announce with great relief that most of New Orleans has been spared the worst. It’s not yet known how much our neighborhood flooded, and it likely won’t be known for at least a couple

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