Category: Tumbles

Saints 31, Vikings 28

Unless I’ve been dreaming for the last eight hours, the Saints are going to the Super Bowl. Here, Tracy Porter celebrates the interception that kept the score tied at the end of the fourth quarter.

January 25, 2010
Saints 31, Vikings 28

Mock geolocation

Useful if you’re working on a website meant for mobile devices. Firefox 3.5 has geolocation, but I use this with Safari and GreaseKit. Replace with whatever latitude and longitude you prefer, naturally.

if (!('geolocation' in navigator)) {
  navigator.geolocation = {
    watchPosition: function(success, f, options) {
      var broadcast = function() {
        var position = {
          coords: {
            latitude: 30.2696384,
            longitude: -97.74947,
            accuracy: 10000,
          timestamp: (new Date()).valueOf()
      window.setInterval(broadcast, 10000);

A stream‐of‐consciousness browsing session brought me to this writeup on how the Source engine deals with lag. Also serves as a parable for web developers — don’t rely on the client to validate input, for the same reason that a game server can’t trust a participant to tell it if that bullet hit anything. See also Ninjam, a clever latency workaround for online jam sessions. And consider that even without the inherent delays of Internet traffic, the speed of light would be a constraint on distant collaboration.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Verdict: 95/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

You don’t need me to tell you how good this game is; the rest of the gaming world got there first. I don’t know if any one game can be a “system‐seller” — but if you already own a PS3, it’s inexcusable not to own Uncharted 2.

It’s not just good; it’s unusually, surprisingly good. It’s unusual for a game to be this much better than its prequel. It’s unusual for a game to make such large graphical leaps over its prequel on same‐generation hardware.

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My parents’ Yorkie rests atop my brother‐in‐law Mike.

December 27, 2009
Photo: Maggie

Cat in a basket

Stayed with friends in Houston last night. Claire, one of their cats, prefers the basket (which is meant for holding cat toys) over his cat tent.

December 24, 2009
Photo: Cat in a basket

Starlite Theatre

Took this today while passing through Brenham on my way to Houston. A few minutes on Google tells me this theatre was opened in the 1950s and closed in 1980.

Photo: Starlite Theatre


I feel like Prof. Layton and the Diabolical Box is intentionally messing with me as part of some oblique meta‐puzzle. Is this a geometric font or not? When was the last time you saw a font with a perfectly round O but an oval C?

December 11, 2009
Photo: Incorrect

How good was Drew Brees on Monday night? Cold Hard Football Facts says he was nothing short of obscenely fantastic. Five touchdown passes (against a Belichick‐coached team), a perfect passer rating, and 16.13 yards per passing attempt — accomplishments that range from rare to extremely rare to unprecedented.