I swear I’m never going to feel like an adult. I don’t think adulthood exists outside others’ perceptions of you. Come September 1 I’ll be unemployed. Or, rather, self‐employed. The grant that pays my salary here at the Dana Center has not been renewed. I’ve known for about a month,…
Author: Andrew Dupont
DashboardWidgets.com (and now Apple) rejects my Azureus widget because they don’t want to “promote piracy.” I humbly encourage them to promote functionality.
Antitrust Exemption
Why don’t we do for sports what we do for television? Create some sort of federal athletic commission and give it authority to oversee the big four leagues.
New Television
The amount of television I’ve been watching over the last week or so is substantial. It’s more than a crapload; I’d describe it as a “royal” crapload, or perhaps even a “crap megaton.” Furthermore, I’ve managed to watch this crapload of programming without ever glancing at live TV: everything I’ve…
If you haven’t been bummed out yet today, take a look at this New York Magazine article on sexual abuse at the American Boychoir School. It’s an interesting read and really got me thinking.
Industrial-Strength Panty Remover
I used to have a guitar‐playing roommate. He was the troubador of the quad — whenever I saw him outside our room he had his guitar slung over his back and his eyes in “brooding” mode. Chicks ate that shit up. You’d think that women in the honors dorms would be a…
Freaks & Geeks Marathon
- When: Saturday, June 04 2005
- Alamo Drafthouse Downtown