Author: Andrew Dupont


Get Your War On

GYWO has been on fire these past few weeks. Something about its line-drawn style translates very well from stills to video.


Just a quick note on language, but I noticed a number of deal critics throughout the day refer to the bailout package as involving “nearly $1 trillion.” I’m outraged, too, but you need to be careful when rounding very large numbers. If somebody was trying to sell you a $7 hamburger, you might get upset and complain that it cost “nearly $10” but you certainly wouldn’t complain that it cost “nearly $300 billion.”

Matthew Yglesias

Most often in recent years, Biden has taken the No. 2103, which leaves Wilmington at 7:35 a.m. and pulls into Union Station — barring delays — at 8:55 a.m. Amtrak has become a recurring character in the hearings Biden participates in. “Gentlemen, I apologize,” he told a Judiciary Committee hearing in 1996 when he showed up late. “One of those things that I keep telling my colleagues: If they fully funded Amtrak, I would not be late.”

Washington Post

Prototype Developer Day at The Ajax Experience

Posted in Web

Are you going to The Ajax Experience in Boston at the end of September? Or, alternatively, are you a Prototype fan who lives near Boston? Read on. This year, the illustrious organizers of TAE are reserving the first half of the conference’s first day (September 29) for the Ajaxian Framework

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A good rule of thumb when theorizing about cable TV production is that everything is less expensive and less elaborate than you think it is.

John Teti

As he passes on the reins of At The Movies, Roger Ebert fondly remembers Gene Siskel (the Waldorf to his Statler). “Did Gene and I hate each other? Yes. Did we love each other? Yes.” The hilarious YouTube videos at the bottom of his post were discussed on MetaFilter a while back; some focus on the vitriol, but I prefer to see the begrudging friendship and mutual respect. By including the videos on the page, Ebert shows he feels the same way.


At a recent Congressional hearing, the head of the airlines’ primary lobbying organization, the Air Transport Association, asserted that pricing is not an effective mechanism for balancing supply and demand for landing slots. When lobbyists argue that basic economic principles do not apply to the industry they represent, a red flag should go up.

Mary E. Peters