Author: Andrew Dupont


I started having a crazy idea in the fourth inning that Richard Nixon was the home plate umpire, and once I thought I was pitching a baseball to Jimi Hendrix, who to me was holding a guitar and swinging it over the plate.

Dock Ellis
Brütal Legend

Brütal Legend

Verdict: 81/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

Yes, I wish it were longer. Yes, the side quests are a bit repetitive. But how can you resist a world crafted so lovingly and meticulously? Just now, while exploring, I came upon a graveyard. The headstones were wearing headphones.


So I was in Mountain View last week, helping the Mozilla Labs team re‐architect Bespin. Toward the end of the week, as we were doing some collaborative coding, I opened a terminal and typed j bespin to bring me straight to my checkout of the Bespin source — and Kevin and Joe simultaneously went, “Wait, what’d you just do?” I realized I’d been using autojump — the cd substitute that guesses what you mean — for over a year, and hadn’t yet pimped it to anyone. Use it! You’ll wonder where it’s been all your life.


The Senate Finance Committee’s version of the health care bill is out, but only as a 223‐page PDF. OpenCongress has translated it to HTML, but David Moore rightly complains that the whole damn process is too convoluted. Because it hasn’t yet been introduced, it’s not available in THOMAS, and even if it were, we’d need the kind souls at OpenCongress and GovTrack to convert it into a usable format. (Even worse: the way we write legislation is stupid. Why do we need three different versions of the bill if they’re all going to be reconciled in conference committee anyway?)


Dr. Norman Borlaug, agronomist and Nobel Peace Prize winner, is dead at 95. By developing strains of wheat and rice that could grow much more densely, he helped Mexico and South Asia increase crop yields by staggering margins, and in turn saved more lives than any other person in the 20th century. The Times has written a lovely obituary; it reminds me that science is a force for optimism and can help us solve the problems that we ourselves create.

The “Configurable” pattern

Posted in Articles, Prototype

If you don’t know about Raphaël, you’d better ask somebody. It provides a vector drawing API that works in all major browsers (by abstracting between SVG and VML). I’ve been working on a JavaScript charting library called Krang. Krang is designed to take a data set and produce any chart

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Helen Thomas & Barack Obama

Taken a few weeks ago in the briefing room. Obama and Thomas share a birthday. (It’s most excellent that The White House is on Flickr.)

September 2, 2009
Photo: Helen Thomas & Barack Obama

Panel audio from The Ajax Experience

Posted in Prototype

I just discovered the existence of audio (and slides) for two of the sessions I was involved with at The Ajax Experience 2008, held in Boston last September. Which is to say: I knew that audio existed, but didn’t know it was yet available anywhere. The first was PPK’s main‐hall

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