Here’s a quick workflow to compress whatever version of Prototype you please.
Wow. We got our asses kicked at Bryan’s bowling tournament.
Wow. We got our asses kicked at Bryan’s bowling tournament.
If you’re like me and your MacBook Pro keeps waking up inside your laptop bag (draining your precious battery life), you can force it into “safe sleep” (hibernation) instead by running sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 1
from the terminal. It takes a bit longer to go to sleep, but it also prevents these accidental awakenings, since you have to hold down the power key for a second or two to wake it up.
Enjoyed the panel on ARGs. I really need to put away my laptop during panels and make myself listen to the discussion.
Prototype 1.5.1, release candidate 1. This one contains my complete $$
overhaul, so if you query by CSS selector at all then you need to download this right now. Once 1.5.1 gets a final release (and when I’m once again sober) I’ll write a lot more about this.
SXSW Interactive starts tomorrow. Truthfully, I have been so busy this last week that I don’t even know which panels I’m going to. But if you’re a fan of JavaScript, you should come see Aaron Gustafson and I talk about block scope, iterator/generators, and other fun stuff that you’ll be able to use someday. (If you’re not a fan of JavaScript, attend something else. You wouldn’t like our panel at all.) And if you see me there, be sure to introduce yourself!
Fortunately, I have a place for my wildly inaccurate and unreasonable screeds. It’s called a “weblog,” or, for short, my “eblo.”
Looking down a side street.
Here’s a quick workflow to compress whatever version of Prototype you please.
Attention bloggers high and low: if you allow me to make comments on your posts, you are entitled to mandate that I write them in whatever crazy moon format you choose: I’m comfortable with Markdown, Textile, or even the ordinary HTML that our ancestors used to use. But if you do not give me a preview button — so that I can make sure my comment looks the way I intended it to look; so that I am warned if you’ve arbitrarily decided to blacklist the blockquote
element — I am entitled to reach through the Internet and strangle you.