Category: Web


Tim Berners‐Lee announces the creation of a new HTML working group, one focused on making more incremental changes than those that have been proposed on the XHTML track. This is great news. Kudos to WHATWG for reminding the W3C that they need to remain focused on things that affect present‐day web developers instead of planning for fifteen years from now.


Lots of great stuff has been going on at The Ajax Experience — I’ll post pictures once I get back — but I thought this was notable enough to share right now: until Douglas Crockford mentioned it at a panel last night, I was unaware that Opera 9 now identifies itself as only Opera 9 in its user agent string, reversing a ridiculous decade‐long trend of browsers pretending to be some form of Mozilla. Type navigator.userAgent into a JavaScript console and see for yourself; my version says it’s Opera/9.01 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; en). The truth will set you free.


If you’re going to The Ajax Experience, I’ll probably see you there. I’m getting on a plane tomorrow at an intolerable time before sunrise and will wind up in Boston sometime around 1pm. I look forward to several of the panels — and especially Brendan Eich’s keynote — but will also be thrilled to share a beer with those whose code I have used (and whose work I have copied) for over a year now: Justin Palmer, Dan Webb, Aaron Gustafson, John Resig, and other ninja‐like entities.


Saying that you’re going to make the web a place for comics is like suggesting that you plan to colonize the Earth.

Tycho Brahe