Category: Web


Here’s something I worked on for a few hours just to amuse myself. I’d develop it further, but I can’t see how this has any sort of practical use (also note the caveats at the top of the script). So here it is: a web page desaturator. Takes all colors in linked stylesheets and turns them into grayscale versions. Here’s a demo using a page from the Prototype site. Firefox only.


Prototype 1.5.1, release candidate 1. This one contains my complete $$ overhaul, so if you query by CSS selector at all then you need to download this right now. Once 1.5.1 gets a final release (and when I’m once again sober) I’ll write a lot more about this.


Fortunately, I have a place for my wildly inaccurate and unreasonable screeds. It’s called a “weblog,” or, for short, my “eblo.”

Matthew Baldwin

Attention bloggers high and low: if you allow me to make comments on your posts, you are entitled to mandate that I write them in whatever crazy moon format you choose: I’m comfortable with Markdown, Textile, or even the ordinary HTML that our ancestors used to use. But if you do not give me a preview button — so that I can make sure my comment looks the way I intended it to look; so that I am warned if you’ve arbitrarily decided to blacklist the blockquote element — I am entitled to reach through the Internet and strangle you.


Maciej announces feature freeze for WebKit nightlies. They’re going to focus on stability leading up to the Leopard release. They’ve added a lot of stuff since 2.0, especially on the JavaScript front: mutable DOM prototypes, DOM L3 XPath, getters and setters, and engine performance improvements. If all browsers moved this quickly I’d be a very happy man.