Category: Web


We would like to return to work with our writers. If we cannot, we would like to express our ambivalence, but without our writers we are unable to express something as nuanced as ambivalence.

Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert

You heard it somewhere else first: IE8 reportedly passes the Acid2 test. I’ve seen many reports of this, but none of them have read between the lines and translated it into an implicit set of new features for IE8’s HTML and CSS support: proper object support with content fallback, min- and max-height and width, CSS tables, and generated content. It also implies bug fixes for collapsing margins. These are the things tested by Acid2 which would’ve failed in IE7. If we get as much on the JavaScript side as we’ve apparently received on the HTML/CSS side, this will be the largest step forward the web has seen in a decade.


Six months in the jungle with Sean Penn [filming Casualties of War] is tricky, but he’s a real talented guy. I sent him a note at the end of it saying, “I can’t say that it was a pleasure, but it was a privilege.”

Michael J. Fox

Unfortunately, to start this incremental rendering, Safari requires a kilobyte of data at the beginning of the stream. In Orbited, we use 100 tags for this. But at some point we’ll perhaps switch this to some tasteful ASCII art.

Jacob Rus

I want the WGA to set up a website and on that website we can all post stories about every no‐talent, idiotic, amoral producer and executive we have ever dealt with. Just like they do to us on shows like Extra and sites like TMZ (owned by Warner Brothers.) Set up a website and tell the entire world, via the internet, your own anecdote about some of the witless boobs you have endured in Hollywood and beyond. The strike will end in a week.

Alec Baldwin

Just in case anybody needs instructions, contact the NCAA and its Division I‐FCS, Division II and III football teams. They’ve had an actual playoff system for decades.

Gene Wojciechowski

Chris wants: stability, interoperability, security, and functionality, in that order. Yet after repeated requests to provide specific, detailed, technical reasons why ES4 doesn’t address all four of those priorities (which it does, IMHO), no answer. I have yet to see a single detailed explanation of how ES4 would “break the web.” Not from Chris, Doug, or anyone else at Microsoft. Would love to see such discussion, truly. Send me links if you know of any.

Neil Mix

Pseudo-custom events in Prototype 1.6

Posted in Articles, Prototype

I’m calling these pseudo‐custom events because they serve the same purpose as standard browser events: they report on certain occurrences in the UI. Here we’re using custom events to act as uniform façades to inconsistently‐implemented events. Together we’ll write some code to generate mouse:wheel events. At the end of this article, you’ll know enough to be able to write code to generate mouse:enter and mouse:leave events document‐wide.

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The new version of iPhoto, announced not too long ago, features Web Gallery, a way to export your photo library to a .Mac web share. The sample gallery confirms that these Ajax‐heavy galleries use Prototype and Scriptaculous under the hood. It could not make me happier that Apple seem to have adopted the two libraries company‐wide.


Ethan and Mark, we’re very happy with Prototype and at 37signals, but thanks for your concern. Prototype has served me quite well since I created it in early 2005.

Sam Stephenson