Category: Development


If you’re an engineer at a company where becoming a manager is considered a promotion, then you only have three choices: become a manager yourself, or leave, or resign yourself to being a second‐class employee. It should be obvious — you can work through the math using three sock puppets — that this is an arrangement that pushes a company inexorably towards mediocrity. The best engineers either leave the company or try their hand at management, often with doubly disastrous consequences: they simultaneously lose the company a great engineer and gain them an awful manager.

Steve Yegge

Dashcode has been rumored to exist for a while, but now we know for certain: it’s being bundled with new MacBooks, and some kind soul sent his copy to Cool OS X Apps. It’s way more robust than I expected. Breakpoints, easy interface building (complete with a library of “ooh shiny” components), a GUI for your widget’s PLIST file, and built‐in localization. This is awesome. I really ought to start working on version 2 of my Azureus widget.


In other huge JavaScript news, FireBug 0.4 is out. This is a huge release, so rather than enumerate the many new features I’ll just tell you to go download it now and find out for yourself. I’ve been beta testing it for a couple weeks and I already can’t imagine going back to 0.3.


Sam Stephenson has a blog, finally. (No, Projectionist doesn’t count.) His first post is monumental: he all but guarantees that Dean Edwards’s Base will be integrated into Prototype, allowing for true inheritance. (I’m guessing this is a 2.0 feature because it’d prompt a rewrite of stuff like the Ajax classes to use the new model. This isn’t something you submit a patch for.)


Brendan Eich: JavaScript 2 and the Future of the Web. In a nutshell: a bunch of new syntax, optional type annotation, more keywords borrowed from Java, and a huge lurch in the direction of Python. “Standard global properties (Date, String, etc.) immutable” is listed on the “Bug Fixes” slide; if that means what I think it means, I’m gonna be angry.