Category: Development


I’d welcome work on improving JavaScript as a language and browser implementations to support further application‐controlled sandboxing and data hiding. The same‐domain policy is far too coarse grained a solution for the applications we’d like to be able to write.

Alex Russell

Holy crap! The WebKit JS engine has matured by leaps and bounds since the last Safari release. I knew about XPath support, but not about getters/setters, direct access to DOM prototypes (which had been accessible in a convoluted manner), or XSLT. They claim it’s also 20–30% faster. I pray this stuff will make it into a Safari release that isn’t Leopard‐only.


ScriptDoc, an open standard being developed by the Aptana dudes (with help from John Resig of JQuery). JavaScript needs an authoritative documentation format, so if you’re a JS developer, sign up for the forums and start participating!


These days I write PHP code infrequently enough that my JavaScript knowledge is starting to get in the way. I learned PHP years before I ever touched JavaScript, but the syntaxes are similar enough that I keep trying to use the var keyword or assign functions to variables. (Even though I’ll probably never start a major project in PHP ever again, I enjoy using the language — it was my first real programming language, and without it I probably wouldn’t be doing what I do today.)


Pluvo, a new programming language written in Python. The syntax is a little strange, but having a “uri” datatype for file I/O is a ridiculously good idea. (*cough* Ruby 2 feature request *cough*)