Category: Development


Here’s something I worked on for a few hours just to amuse myself. I’d develop it further, but I can’t see how this has any sort of practical use (also note the caveats at the top of the script). So here it is: a web page desaturator. Takes all colors in linked stylesheets and turns them into grayscale versions. Here’s a demo using a page from the Prototype site. Firefox only.


Prototype 1.5.1, release candidate 1. This one contains my complete $$ overhaul, so if you query by CSS selector at all then you need to download this right now. Once 1.5.1 gets a final release (and when I’m once again sober) I’ll write a lot more about this.


Alex Russell unveils dojo.query, the latest gauntlet tossed down in the fetching‐elements‐by-CSS-selector wars. I’m working on a similar overhaul for Prototype which I’ll talk more about when the time is right.


Prototype Core. Qualified to write a JavaScript library, to be sure, but clearly unqualified to speak about hair care. (I include myself in this assessment.)


At long last: Prototype has an actual web site. With documentation. There’s plenty more to say, and I’ll save it for a longer post, but Justin Palmer is owed some major kudos for working so hard on the site. And so do Chris, Tobie, and Mislav — the three newest members of Prototype Core — who poured their hearts and souls into documentation.


Code: Prototype Auto-build TextMate Command

Bind to ⌘S. Will execute rake dist automatically if you just saved a file in the src directory.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Save: Current File
# Input: None
# Output: Discard
# Scope: source.js.prototype

DIR  = File.dirname(FILE)
if (DIR =~ /\/src$/)
  basedir = DIR.gsub(/\/src$/, '')
  `/usr/local/bin/rake dist -f #{basedir}/Rakefile`