Category: JavaScript


Brendan Eich: JavaScript 2 and the Future of the Web. In a nutshell: a bunch of new syntax, optional type annotation, more keywords borrowed from Java, and a huge lurch in the direction of Python. “Standard global properties (Date, String, etc.) immutable” is listed on the “Bug Fixes” slide; if that means what I think it means, I’m gonna be angry.


Over the weekend I picked up another crackpot project — inspired by PlotKit, I resolved to build a lightweight API (based upon Prototype) for doing client‐side charting with the canvas tag. This could be seriously useful at work, so tomorrow I’ll find out just how well ExplorerCanvas works.


CSS event:Selectors. As CSS selector syntax is used more and more in DOM scripting, I must wonder: why did we settle on the DOM API for client‐side scripting? CSS selectors and XPath are much more terse and versatile.