Category: JavaScript


Alex Russell unveils dojo.query, the latest gauntlet tossed down in the fetching‐elements‐by-CSS-selector wars. I’m working on a similar overhaul for Prototype which I’ll talk more about when the time is right.


Prototype Core. Qualified to write a JavaScript library, to be sure, but clearly unqualified to speak about hair care. (I include myself in this assessment.)


At long last: Prototype has an actual web site. With documentation. There’s plenty more to say, and I’ll save it for a longer post, but Justin Palmer is owed some major kudos for working so hard on the site. And so do Chris, Tobie, and Mislav — the three newest members of Prototype Core — who poured their hearts and souls into documentation.


Code: Prototype Auto-build TextMate Command

Bind to ⌘S. Will execute rake dist automatically if you just saved a file in the src directory.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Save: Current File
# Input: None
# Output: Discard
# Scope: source.js.prototype

DIR  = File.dirname(FILE)
if (DIR =~ /\/src$/)
  basedir = DIR.gsub(/\/src$/, '')
  `/usr/local/bin/rake dist -f #{basedir}/Rakefile`

Sam Foster and I are once again leading a JavaScript discussion for Refresh Austin — this time focusing on the major libraries and on practical problem‐solving. Show up tonight at 7pm for the Dojo vs. Prototype girly slap‐fight! You won’t be disappointed.

With Ajax Having Been Experienced…

Posted in Articles, Prototype

That’s right — I just used the perfect passive participle. Deal with it. Everyone else is doing it, so I suppose I have to do a postmortem on The Ajax Experience. and JavaScript The just‐released Internet Explorer 7 features only a few crumbs for JavaScript developers, so I respect Chris Wilson

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If you’re going to The Ajax Experience, I’ll probably see you there. I’m getting on a plane tomorrow at an intolerable time before sunrise and will wind up in Boston sometime around 1pm. I look forward to several of the panels — and especially Brendan Eich’s keynote — but will also be thrilled to share a beer with those whose code I have used (and whose work I have copied) for over a year now: Justin Palmer, Dan Webb, Aaron Gustafson, John Resig, and other ninja‐like entities.