Category: Design


Since I redesigned this blog only a couple months ago, I didn’t really take part in the CSS Reboot this year. But I did make some minor changes to the layout. Gone is the sidebar (which I was never in love with); I’ve got a new section at the bottom of each page to replace it. Also: after experimenting with sIFR many times in the past, I’ve finally taken the plunge and deployed it on this site. (I’ll continue to tweak over the next few days, so wonkiness might ensue.)


At work, I’ve started to test stuff in IE7 in addition to Firefox and IE6; this has forced me to figure out how to pass certain CSS rules to all versions of IE and nothing else. (Virtually all known CSS hacks for IE have been fixed in version 7.) I know conditional comments are usually the way to go, but what if you need to override just one or two rules? Not worth the trouble of creating a separate stylesheet, in my opinion. After some hunting around just now, I realized that IE’s expression property is what I want: instead of postion: relative; one can do position: expression('relative');. Tell your friends!


Stylable Text Fields in WebKit. Safari, which for eons has had the least‐customizable form controls among major browsers, will have the most‐customizable form controls when this code makes it into a release.


8 Web Design Warm Fuzzy Feelings. When I checked this blog’s design in IE for the first time and saw that I didn’t have anything to fix, I went to my fridge and had a beer. I don’t know if that will ever happen again.

Interaction Design

Posted in Design, Development, Web

Garret Dimon’s post on front‐end architects is a good read, I think. But I’m usually biased toward articles that suggest that the skills I possess might become incredibly valuable in the very near future. I’m not sure I like the term ‘front‐end architect,’ but now I’m just being a weenie.

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Vigorous Typing

Posted in Design, Web

From The Elements of Typographic Style, my new favorite reference volume: Most writing and typography … remain contentedly abstract, like a theater script or a musical score. The script of Macbeth does not need to be bloodstained and spattered with tears; it needs to be legible. And the score of

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Sole Proprietorship

Posted in Design, Development, Web

I swear I’m never going to feel like an adult. I don’t think adulthood exists outside others’ perceptions of you. Come September 1 I’ll be unemployed. Or, rather, self‐employed. The grant that pays my salary here at the Dana Center has not been renewed. I’ve known for about a month,

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