Category: Thoughts


Attention bloggers high and low: if you allow me to make comments on your posts, you are entitled to mandate that I write them in whatever crazy moon format you choose: I’m comfortable with Markdown, Textile, or even the ordinary HTML that our ancestors used to use. But if you do not give me a preview button — so that I can make sure my comment looks the way I intended it to look; so that I am warned if you’ve arbitrarily decided to blacklist the blockquote element — I am entitled to reach through the Internet and strangle you.


It took nearly all weekend (and some help from iDefrag), but I’ve finally set up a Boot Camp partition to replace my Parallels Desktop disk image. I’d nearly stopped using Parallels simply because it took so long to start up and would slow everything else down, but moving to a physical partition solved that. Between Boot Camp support and coherence mode, the recent betas of Parallels have been fantastic.


Prototype Core. Qualified to write a JavaScript library, to be sure, but clearly unqualified to speak about hair care. (I include myself in this assessment.)


In a recent e‐mail, a French co‐worker wished me a happy new year and added, “I wish you to be able to do this year everything you were not able to do last year.” I’m not sure if that’s a translated French saying or simply a poetic aside, but I like it a lot.


Inspired by Simon’s screencast, I’ve enabled OpenID comments on my blog. I’m sure I’ve overlooked something, so feel free to test it out on this post and tell me if something doesn’t work right. If you don’t have an OpenID yet, get one!


Sam Foster and I are once again leading a JavaScript discussion for Refresh Austin — this time focusing on the major libraries and on practical problem‐solving. Show up tonight at 7pm for the Dojo vs. Prototype girly slap‐fight! You won’t be disappointed.


Lots of great stuff has been going on at The Ajax Experience — I’ll post pictures once I get back — but I thought this was notable enough to share right now: until Douglas Crockford mentioned it at a panel last night, I was unaware that Opera 9 now identifies itself as only Opera 9 in its user agent string, reversing a ridiculous decade‐long trend of browsers pretending to be some form of Mozilla. Type navigator.userAgent into a JavaScript console and see for yourself; my version says it’s Opera/9.01 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; en). The truth will set you free.


If you’re going to The Ajax Experience, I’ll probably see you there. I’m getting on a plane tomorrow at an intolerable time before sunrise and will wind up in Boston sometime around 1pm. I look forward to several of the panels — and especially Brendan Eich’s keynote — but will also be thrilled to share a beer with those whose code I have used (and whose work I have copied) for over a year now: Justin Palmer, Dan Webb, Aaron Gustafson, John Resig, and other ninja‐like entities.


Note to self: Add “douchebag” to OS X’s dictionary so that it doesn’t get flagged by the spellchecker.