Category: Quotations


I want the WGA to set up a website and on that website we can all post stories about every no‐talent, idiotic, amoral producer and executive we have ever dealt with. Just like they do to us on shows like Extra and sites like TMZ (owned by Warner Brothers.) Set up a website and tell the entire world, via the internet, your own anecdote about some of the witless boobs you have endured in Hollywood and beyond. The strike will end in a week.

Alec Baldwin

Just in case anybody needs instructions, contact the NCAA and its Division I‐FCS, Division II and III football teams. They’ve had an actual playoff system for decades.

Gene Wojciechowski

Chris wants: stability, interoperability, security, and functionality, in that order. Yet after repeated requests to provide specific, detailed, technical reasons why ES4 doesn’t address all four of those priorities (which it does, IMHO), no answer. I have yet to see a single detailed explanation of how ES4 would “break the web.” Not from Chris, Doug, or anyone else at Microsoft. Would love to see such discussion, truly. Send me links if you know of any.

Neil Mix

So yes, you’ve got that right. We’ve now reached what can only be called the alpha and the omega of contracting accountability breakdown ridiculousness. We’re outsourcing our investigations of Blackwater to Blackwater.

Josh Marshall

The constant calls for political candidates to prove their bona fides by condemning or denouncing something somebody else said or to renounce a person’s support or to return her tainted money are a tiresome new tic in American politics. They’re turning politics into a game of “Mother, May I?” Did you say “Here is my plan for health‐care reform”? Uh‐oh, you were supposed to say “I condemn’s comments on General Petraeus, and here is my plan for health‐care reform.”

Michael Kinsley

A reporter should not be assigned to cover subject X unless he has as good an understanding of X as a baseball writer is expected to have of baseball.

Bernard Yomtov

It’s like a Zen koan — if you say something stupid, and no one is there to hear it, are you still an idiot?

Tycho Brahe

Now, I worked on [NFL] Head Coach. There’s no excuse at all for that game and I’m really, truly, sorry. We all tried submitting “Game is awful” as a bug, but nobody listened.

DrBagpipes (Something Awful forums)