Category: Quotations


Gabe essentially began anti‐anxiety medication and planned a trip for Paris in the same week, possibly even in the same moment, and as an observer — it is literally my job to observe — this was an intriguing process. He wasn’t yet ensorcelled by the chemical, and yet with full awareness of his own agony he went through the previously unthinkable process of putting all this together. It must have been something like jumping from a plane with a strange backpack and a pamphlet entitled “Your Parachute.”

Penny Arcade

It’s never an encouraging sign when a film about the murder of John Lennon has audiences rooting for the climactic shooting, just so a dreary, sordid, worthless film will come to a merciful end.

The Onion A.V. Club

I’ve begun to suspect that Mike Gravel’s run at the presidency is just a cleverly disguised experiment in conceptual art.

Patrick Appel

Our competition is not so much other television shows as it is Guitar Hero.

Lorne Michaels

In some places I found that Democrats were imitating Republican methods. They excused it by saying that they were fighting the devil with fire. This is no excuse. It is poor policy to fight the devil with fire. He knows more about fire than you do and does not have to pay so much for fuel.

William Jennings Bryan

Instead of actually performing as a watchdog over Bush’s already out‐of‐control domestic spies, [Ranking Democrat on Senate Intelligence Committee Jay] Rockefeller spent most of his time hiding under his desk, issuing secret letters of “protest” that he showed to no one, and which — astoundingly! — had no effect. His excuse, of course, was that he feared revealing critical “national security” information. But as people who actually know what they’re talking about have pointed out, Rockefeller blew it HUGE, failing to understand the constitutional imperative of speaking out, and the protections available to him in doing so. He is a stone moron, and it will cost you your freedom some day very soon.

Daily Kos

I want someone who can lead the country. When people grow cynical and detached from government, or blinded by partisanship, evil runs amok. Obama represents an honest shot at making our government something we can be proud of. I’m tired of throwing things at CNN. I’m tired of feeling depressed when I read speeches by the founding fathers. I want Jon Stewart to smile again. For a brief moment, next Tuesday, we’ll have a shot at finally getting things right. Please help.

Randall Munroe

It is part of the myth of America that anyone can be President. For the past 20 years, it’s been true that anyone can be President so long as they are called Bush or Clinton. If Hillary spends two terms in the White House, family dynasties will have commanded the Great Republic for more than a quarter of a century. At an Obama event in New York, I saw a placard with a potent slogan. It simply said: “The White House is not a time share.”

The Observer

As I told a Republican friend this morning, it is with some regret and chagrin that I am forced to recognize that the only serious opposition to McCain within Republican circles appears to be from people with active personality disorders.

Josh Marshall

Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton so badly in South Carolina it may spawn some new kind of Southern colloquialism. When Clemson spanks an opponent by five touchdowns it will be called an Obama. Fans will taunt the losing team as they walk off the field by making an “O” against their foreheads.
