Category: Quotations


There are exceptions, of course, but the attitude of Ruby on Rails users toward Ruby skeptics or critics has been less than kind. This is a crowd convinced that it has found the ultimate answer to everything, and they are not afraid to let you know. I only have a simple advice for these people: you might be right, but just be humble. It never hurts.

Cédric Beust

It reminds me of something I heard once, and have taken as my own ever since: San Francisco is the kind of place where no one will tell you when you have a bad idea.

Matthew Honan

While the question has already been answered, I must mention that I’ve heard the former described as “shaved gerbil notation.” Proper terminology is important.


You live in Japan and your internet is that slow? I thought you guys find 50mb/s free in cereal boxes.


FOR INCLUDING a 60‐second piece of silence on their album, the Planets were threatened with a lawsuit by the estate of composer John Cage, which said they’d ripped off his silent work 4’33”. The Planets countered that the estate failed to specify which 60 of the 273 seconds in Cage’s piece had been pilfered.

Mother Jones

Democrats, meanwhile, continued to demonstrate their unwavering commitment to vacillation by reacting to Sen. Feingold’s proposal to formally censure Bush the same way my cats react to a vacuum cleaner.

Matthew Baldwin

Orkut is a fascinating experiment in what happens when the developing world hits internet nerds. Basically the thing totally exploded in Brazil [like 20% of the country is on it] and the population there just started spamming every person and group in Portugese. It also never has really implemented any needed features. Nowadays I only log in to delete friend requests from guys named Paulo.


When Jeff and I ran into him in the elevator on our way out on the first night, the inimitable Shaun Inman described the breakfast buffet at our hotel as “breakfast with your blogroll”, and he was right. Our hotel was one of the closest to the convention center and it felt like “everybody” was there. It was pretty surreal to walk downstairs every morning and eat scrambled eggs with your RSS feeds.

Wilson Miner