Category: Tumbles


Dear God — Idiocracy was hilarious. It’s not a great movie, to be sure, but it’s a brilliant movie. It lags at times, and the narration is a crutch, but it’s the first movie in a long time that has been so ambitious in creating a world and actually making it believable. (Well, not believable, but you know what I mean.) It’s probably not playing near you, but if it is, please go see it — if only to send the message that no studio executive gets to fuck with Mike Judge.


Sorting through my photos of San Francisco, I was reminded how much I love DoubleTake, panorama software designed for human beings. It lets you stitch a series of photos together in an unintimidating manner — something hugin can’t seem to do.


I’m on my way to the Bay Area for a week. Shoot me a line if you’ll be nearby and would like to chill.


I’d welcome work on improving JavaScript as a language and browser implementations to support further application‐controlled sandboxing and data hiding. The same‐domain policy is far too coarse grained a solution for the applications we’d like to be able to write.

Alex Russell

There is no chin behind Bruce Schneier’s beard. There is only another pseudorandom number generator and he’s gonna use it to encrypt your face.

Bruce Schneier Facts

It’s easy to defend against what the terrorists planned last time, but it’s shortsighted. If we spend billions fielding liquid‐analysis machines in airports and the terrorists use solid explosives, we’ve wasted our money. If they target shopping malls, we’ve wasted our money. Focusing on tactics simply forces the terrorists to make a minor modification in their plans. There are too many targets — stadiums, schools, theaters, churches, the long line of densely packed people before airport security — and too many ways to kill people… Last week’s arrests demonstrate how real security doesn’t focus on possible terrorist tactics, but on the terrorists themselves. It’s a victory for intelligence and investigation, and a dramatic demonstration of how investments in these areas pay off.

Bruce Schneier