Category: Tumbles

Company of Heroes

Company of Heroes

Verdict: 86/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

Wow. This game scores very highly on my RTS rubric: full camera control, no forced micromanagement, sane multiplayer, and a forgiving learning curve. It’s so engrossing I’ll forgive it for indulging in the boilerplate “noun of noun” naming convention for World War II video games.


Nokia releases Carbide.ui, a new skinning application for Series 60. It’s based on Eclipse and is roughly 4,000 times less crappy than its previous offering, S60 Theme Studio. Here’s hoping it leads to equally‐less‐crappy S60 themes.


It’s hard for me to write a WTF — not because I can’t remember one, but because I remember too many. Netscape was one giant WTF — or, as they called it back then, AOL. The company had grown so inept that “WTF” became just another thing we said each day, like “Hey,” or “What time is it?” or “We just lost another 5%,” or “Marketing wants to replace the Back button with an ad for Bowflex.” In fact, as I’m sure you know, the Mozilla movement itself was born when Jim Barksdale looked at the old Netscape 4.x codebase and announced, with tremendous gusto and wondrous pride: WTF?

Blake Ross (for

I consider myself humbly fortunate to have been added as a member of Prototype‘s new core development team. My first patch: optimizing getElementsByClassName. Browsers with XPath support get an eightfold performance gain; others get a modest gain of 50–100%.


Note to self: Add “douchebag” to OS X’s dictionary so that it doesn’t get flagged by the spellchecker.


Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government’s purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil‐minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well‐meaning but without understanding.

Louis Brandeis

Viewport Dimensions in JavaScript

Adapted from the functions posted on QuirksMode.

var Client = {
  viewportWidth: function() {
    return self.innerWidth || (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth);

  viewportHeight: function() {
    return self.innerHeight || (document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight);
  viewportSize: function() {
    return { width: this.viewportWidth(), height: this.viewportHeight() };