Category: Tumbles


Lamar Hunt, owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, dead at 74. Arguably the greatest and most respected sports owner of all time, Hunt coined the term “Super Bowl” and helped make Major League Soccer a reality. The teams he owned were not just items in his portfolio — they were manifestations of his love of sports and the people around him. Kansas City is in mourning today. Sports fans everywhere should mourn with them.


Time Warner Cable wants the NFL to “get real.” Cox had a similar squabble with ESPN a few years back. Why do the bickering parties in these disputes think they can get the public to pick sides? Just like labor disputes in professional sports, this sort of conflict reflects poorly on everyone involved.


A movement started by a hockey fan on Something Awful is now getting coverage nationwide: the NHL now chooses its All‐Star teams starting lineups entirely by fan vote, so he started a movement to send Rory Fitzpatrick (an unheralded bench‐warmer) to the prestigious game. Whether it’s a salute to the NHL everyman, an affection for the underdog, or a vote of no confidence in the voting methodology… well, it’s pretty cool to watch. Right now Fitzpatrick is fifth in voting among Western Conference defensemen.


The New, Soft Paternalism. Fascinating read about how new state laws are helping Americans stop themselves from doing things they should not (e.g., gamble). My “short‐term” self is rather weak‐willed, so I’ve had some success with letting my “long‐term” self take control: I embrace external authority, arbitrary as it may be, to get things done. (Like insisting on a penalty fee in a freelance project if the deadline slips.)

Saints Row

Saints Row

Verdict: 72/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

A surprisingly good clone of the Grand Theft Auto games. The plot isn’t as good, though, and it suffers from some bizarre and frustrating bugs.

Guitar Hero 2

Guitar Hero 2

Verdict: 78/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

The new features are fantastic (practice mode, cooperative multiplayer), and there are some excellent songs in this version, but the game doesn’t jell the way the first one did. I am glad I’ve got a new plastic guitar to replace my old one — the whammy bar had broken off and the strum bar was getting a little flimsy.


I voted on a Diebold machine for the first time. I need a sticker that says “I Voted, I Think.”


The Hitch‐Hacker’s Guide to the Galaxy: a contest/quiz from The Ethical Hacker Network. Not challenging if you’re a web developer, but it’s a fun thought experiment and a creative way to raise awareness of common security flaws in web apps.


[REMOVED] TextMate no longer pays tribute to human sacrifices, rape, nor does it show a picture of the God of the deaths in your dock — ticket 945BEB5D

TextMate Changelog