Author: Andrew Dupont


Last but not least I have to thank Jon Stewart for reminding the Academy (time and again) that everything we were forced to endure (from the endless montages to the finger‐wagging lectures) was insulting and, in the end, utterly absurd. I’m sorry to say that you’ll not be hosting the event again next year, Jon. (The Emperor does not like to be told that he’s not wearing any clothes.)

Brian Ford

I bombed in front of, you know, a lot of different audiences. This will just be the most famous audience that I bombed in front of.

Jon Stewart


Posted in Development, Web

Since LazyWeb these days is the place where all the trackback spam hangs out, I find I have no choice but to turn my ideas into action. I envy the flexibility of tumblelogs like Projectionist, in which quotations, photos, chatlogs, and links commingle. That said, I don’t want to go

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Posted in Development, Web

Because I spun the Buzzword Roulette Wheel and landed on “Ruby” and “Wikipedia” on consecutive spins, I am finding myself writing a Ruby interface to MediaWiki. At work I use a great plugin for jEdit called mwjed that makes it about fifty times less annoying to edit wiki pages, and

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Interaction Design

Posted in Design, Development, Web

Garret Dimon’s post on front‐end architects is a good read, I think. But I’m usually biased toward articles that suggest that the skills I possess might become incredibly valuable in the very near future. I’m not sure I like the term ‘front‐end architect,’ but now I’m just being a weenie.

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A Long-Overdue Correction

Posted in Development

A while back I wrote about my Azureus Widget and explained why it wasn’t yet listed at DBW had a policy to reject any submitted widgets associated with P2P networks. They have since changed that policy and have invited me to resubmit my widget, which I will likely do

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Common Knowledge

Posted in Arts

I wouldn’t be a member of the blogosphere (ugh) if I didn’t link to this year’s Edge Annual Question: What is your dangerous idea? Like any good blog meme, this is a good way to waste three hours. I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out this gem from Daniel

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Vigorous Typing

Posted in Design, Web

From The Elements of Typographic Style, my new favorite reference volume: Most writing and typography … remain contentedly abstract, like a theater script or a musical score. The script of Macbeth does not need to be bloodstained and spattered with tears; it needs to be legible. And the score of

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