Author: Andrew Dupont


It reminds me of something I heard once, and have taken as my own ever since: San Francisco is the kind of place where no one will tell you when you have a bad idea.

Matthew Honan

In order to stop myself from shoehorning random not‐quite‐blog‐posts into the “link” post type, I’ve created a new type: thoughts. I’m really hoping this idea will take off — it’s time for us, as webloggers, to occasionally stray from the beaten path of absolute fact and express opinions! I’m going to be a goddamned pioneer. (In other news, my feeds now contain full post text and HTML, as they should’ve a long time ago. I beg forgiveness.)


Stylable Text Fields in WebKit. Safari, which for eons has had the least‐customizable form controls among major browsers, will have the most‐customizable form controls when this code makes it into a release.


Posted in Technology

This demonstration of NeXTSTEP, recorded in 1992, sent me on a stream‐of‐consciousness romp through the web. I stumbled upon this overview of NeXTSTEP, written around the time Windows 95 was released. As a UI dork, I find the nuts‐and‐bolts behavior stuff oddly fascinating: One section talks about the difference in

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While the question has already been answered, I must mention that I’ve heard the former described as “shaved gerbil notation.” Proper terminology is important.


Since its release, FireBug has been on my short list of must‐have extensions for any sort of web development, but the recently‐released 0.3 version launches it right to the top of the list. I’m finding I use it even more than the Web Developer Toolbar.


Lightbox JS 2.0. The new version renders the half‐dozen unofficial “improvement” attemps damn near obsolete. Logical groupings for images, Scriptaculous effects, and even‐more‐unobtrusive markup. Sexy.


I’ve been a cautious supporter of efforts to address global warming — I’m sure it’s happening, but have always wondered if the horror‐story predictions were exaggerated — but Bill Maher’s monologue at the end of Real Time last night got me on board, unequivocally and enthusiastically. (Why can’t politicians inspire me the same way?) Beg, borrow, or steal in order to watch it yourself. You won’t regret it.