Author: Andrew Dupont


John Dvorak wants Microsoft to give up on IE. I found this on — I really hope that doesn’t mean that people are taking John Dvorak seriously, for once. Internet Explorer isn’t a bad browser because it’s made by Microsoft. They’re capable of making a browser as good as Firefox, or at least one with a rendering engine as good as Gecko. They simply haven’t yet. Dvorak gets paid to daydream, but I don’t have the time; I get paid to make my code work in IE. I can’t make it go away by closing my eyes.


Before it was even finished imploding, before the first survivor was rescued, people were drawing battle lines and issuing talking points. Here’s a tip: God doesn’t care about your talking points. Your brothers were hungry; you either fed them or you didn’t. You can’t talk your way out of it later.

Mark Pilgrim

Over the weekend I picked up another crackpot project — inspired by PlotKit, I resolved to build a lightweight API (based upon Prototype) for doing client‐side charting with the canvas tag. This could be seriously useful at work, so tomorrow I’ll find out just how well ExplorerCanvas works.


The buried message of the film, perhaps, is that our political system resembles “American Idol.” … The winner is not necessarily the deserving contestant from an objective point of view, but is the one with the best poll numbers. A candidate from either party will be defeated if he is not entertaining. His intelligence and matters of right or wrong don’t have much to do with it. In this scenario, satire plays the role in politics that Simon Cowell plays on TV.

Roger Ebert

Is it me, or does the process of downloading a single file from any project hosted on SourceForge take about nine clicks too many?


Posted in Web

Online identity scholar danah boyd, whose legal name is devoid of capital letters, had to argue on her own Wikipedia article’s talk page to correct its use of mixed case. Wikipedia policy, it was argued, tends to take its cue from the media (who usually foul the name up themselves).

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You can add Spotlight queries to the Quicksilver catalog. Add “date:today” to the catalog and your QS searches will include any files on your drive that have been created or modified today.

Thank You for Smoking

Thank You for Smoking

Verdict: 73/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

I wish it had had more meat to it (a lot of the characters could’ve used more dimension), but Thank You For Smoking is an excellent commentary on spin, bullshit, and diffusion of responsibility. Aaron Eckhart is, as always, one part hilarious and one part creepy.