Author: Andrew Dupont


Pluvo, a new programming language written in Python. The syntax is a little strange, but having a “uri” datatype for file I/O is a ridiculously good idea. (*cough* Ruby 2 feature request *cough*)


I might well be insane, but I cannot seem to find a Firefox extension that can do what Saft and SafariStand both do for Safari: sort downloads into folders named by date. This doesn’t seem like it should be that hard. Does such a thing exist?


Flock 0.7 is out. It might end up becoming my primary browser for one reason: it gives me everything I love about Firefox, but feels far less bloated on OS X. Flickr/ integration is nice, but being able to use Firefox extensions is even nicer.


So why has my party, the party of small government, lately adopted the practices of our opponents who believe the bigger the government the better? I’m afraid it’s because at times we value our incumbency more than our principles. We came to office to reduce the size of government. Lately, we have increased the size of government in order to stay in office.

John McCain

I’m in Tel Aviv for work and won’t return to the U.S. until July 7. It’s my first time in Israel. I got in early this evening — around 5pm Tel Aviv time, or 9am Austin time — and spent a little time walking around and catching dinner before jet lag finally dragged me into bed. Expect this tumblelog to adopt a temporarily Hebraic tinge.


I love the WebKit nightlies, but every so often my plugins stop working entirely (Flash, Quicktime, etc.), forcing me to trash my prefs file and relaunch. A minor hassle, yes, but I’m tired of setting my tabbed‐browsing preferences for the eleventh time. Shiira is, in many respects, fantastic, but I can’t seem to find an add‐on that’ll do find‐as‐you‐type. This is a deal‐breaker. Why does the OS X browser landscape have to be so frustrating?