Author: Andrew Dupont

Saints Row

Saints Row

Verdict: 72/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

A surprisingly good clone of the Grand Theft Auto games. The plot isn’t as good, though, and it suffers from some bizarre and frustrating bugs.

Guitar Hero 2

Guitar Hero 2

Verdict: 78/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

The new features are fantastic (practice mode, cooperative multiplayer), and there are some excellent songs in this version, but the game doesn’t jell the way the first one did. I am glad I’ve got a new plastic guitar to replace my old one — the whammy bar had broken off and the strum bar was getting a little flimsy.


I voted on a Diebold machine for the first time. I need a sticker that says “I Voted, I Think.”


The Hitch‐Hacker’s Guide to the Galaxy: a contest/quiz from The Ethical Hacker Network. Not challenging if you’re a web developer, but it’s a fun thought experiment and a creative way to raise awareness of common security flaws in web apps.


[REMOVED] TextMate no longer pays tribute to human sacrifices, rape, nor does it show a picture of the God of the deaths in your dock — ticket 945BEB5D

TextMate Changelog

Sam Foster and I are once again leading a JavaScript discussion for Refresh Austin — this time focusing on the major libraries and on practical problem‐solving. Show up tonight at 7pm for the Dojo vs. Prototype girly slap‐fight! You won’t be disappointed.


AIM Lite, also known as LAIM. Also known as “the no‐headaches AIM client.” Also known as “the AIM client you should make your parents install immediately.” It’s interesting not only because it’s an excellent, non‐bloated piece of software to come from AOL, but also because it uses Boxely, the XUL‐like UI toolkit that Joe Hewitt has raved about.

With Ajax Having Been Experienced…

Posted in Articles, Prototype

That’s right — I just used the perfect passive participle. Deal with it. Everyone else is doing it, so I suppose I have to do a postmortem on The Ajax Experience. and JavaScript The just‐released Internet Explorer 7 features only a few crumbs for JavaScript developers, so I respect Chris Wilson

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Tim Berners‐Lee announces the creation of a new HTML working group, one focused on making more incremental changes than those that have been proposed on the XHTML track. This is great news. Kudos to WHATWG for reminding the W3C that they need to remain focused on things that affect present‐day web developers instead of planning for fifteen years from now.