Author: Andrew Dupont
Prototype Core. Qualified to write a JavaScript library, to be sure, but clearly unqualified to speak about hair care. (I include myself in this assessment.)
At long last: Prototype has an actual web site. With documentation. There’s plenty more to say, and I’ll save it for a longer post, but Justin Palmer is owed some major kudos for working so hard on the site. And so do Chris, Tobie, and Mislav — the three newest members of Prototype Core — who poured their hearts and souls into documentation.
Code: Prototype Auto-build TextMate Command
Bind to ⌘S. Will execute rake dist
automatically if you just saved a file in the src
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Save: Current File
# Input: None
# Output: Discard
# Scope: source.js.prototype
DIR = File.dirname(FILE)
if (DIR =~ /\/src$/)
basedir = DIR.gsub(/\/src$/, '')
`/usr/local/bin/rake dist -f #{basedir}/Rakefile`
Code: hasAttribute for IE
Believe it or not, this actually works. Kind of.
Element.Methods.Simulated.hasAttribute = function(element, attr) {
return element.outerHTML.match(/^<[^>]*>/)[0].indexOf(" " + attr + "=") > -1;
Digg scares me. Yeah, me too. Digg added moderation to comments a while back, but as far as I can tell it hasn’t raised the level of discussion. The community seems to reward the same qualities in comments as it does in stories.
In a recent e‐mail, a French co‐worker wished me a happy new year and added, “I wish you to be able to do this year everything you were not able to do last year.” I’m not sure if that’s a translated French saying or simply a poetic aside, but I like it a lot.
Relying on software to pick colors for you is like letting your mother pick your clothes.
Gladwell on Enron: a mystery, not a puzzle. Everything he’s saying is correct, but it seems like it’s the job of a company’s management not to let themselves get into a financial situation that’s so hopelessly complex that nobody on earth can make sense of it. And it’s the job of the government to regulate the ways in which companies can get sleazy with their books.
danah boyd on ephemeral profiles. In this same vein, for several of my friends it was common to have several different IM screennames reflecting several different levels of availability. So if you’re writing a paper and don’t want to have eight different conversations with random acquaintances, you can switch to a login that only your “inner circle” knows, rather than sign off entirely.