Author: Andrew Dupont


To watch collectors of arcade games insulting people who were once high score champions on video games is, to anyone even 20 feet away from this subculture, like watching people in fursuits insulting a documentary about people in fursuits who play in a band. It just doesn’t scan, folks.

Jason Scott
Fallout 3

Fallout 3

Verdict: 91/100 (Minimum score is 0; maximum is 100.)

Let’s get straight to the point: Fallout 3, despite its minor flaws, is the closest I’ve felt to inhabiting a real‐life world inside a video game. It’s built for exploration and will deliver enough substance for at least a hundred hours of gameplay. On top of all this, enemies’ heads explode if you shoot them just right — and that’s pretty cool by itself.


Even now, many years later, people are still asking me if I knew Star Wars was going to be that big a hit. Yes, of course I knew. We all knew. The only one who didn’t was the director, George Lucas. We kept it from him because we wanted to see what his face looked like when it changed expression.

Carrie Fisher

This image “evolution” simulator would be a good benchmark for the up‐and‐coming JavaScript engines… but, sadly, Google Chrome doesn’t yet support Canvas#getImageData. Anyway, both Firefox 3.1b2 and the latest WebKit nightly do very well.


Minnesota’s recount is a long way from over. If you put a gun to my head and asked me to predict the winner, I would tell you to shoot me.

Nate Silver

CBS’s underlying problem… is the arbitrary and largely ineffectual nature of the fact‐checking process employed by the mainstream media. I have written for perhaps a dozen major publications over the span of my career, and the one with the most thorough fact‐checking process is by some margin Sports Illustrated. Although this is an indication of the respect with which SI accords its brand, it does not speak so well of the mainstream political media that you are more likely to see an unverified claim repeated on the evening news than you are to see in the pages of your favorite sports periodical.

Nate Silver

No Labs Love for Google Apps. This domain’s e‐mail account is hosted by Google Apps — and I use to read my e‐mail — so the fact that GApps seems to be branched off from all the cool Gmail features is an annoyance for me, too. Good to hear that someone’s trying to fix it.