AIM Lite, also known as LAIM. Also known as “the no‐headaches AIM client.” Also known as “the AIM client you should make your parents install immediately.” It’s interesting not only because it’s an excellent, non‐bloated piece of software to come from AOL, but also because it uses Boxely, the XUL‐like UI toolkit that Joe Hewitt has raved about.
I’m pretty sure that Joe wrote Boxley himself.
Yes, this is true. But he’s also spent a lot of time talking about why it’s so awesome. (And he notes that Boxely has changed in significant ways since he left AOL.)
Joe spent a summer prototyping Boxely for a summer R&D project (4 months). The rest of the team spent the next 3.5 years rewriting, refactoring, and seeing the idea through. Just some clarification. “Boxely has changed in significant ways since he left” – yes most certainly, it now runs at 60fps instead of 2, uses 10mb of memory instead of 60, etc. I guess thats why they call them “prototypes”. But I guess Al Gore invented the internet too. Sigh…
@Boxely: Did I kill your dog or something?